Tree care companies’ operations continue to be extremely risky. It is hard work for Florida Tree Trimmers in Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, and surrounding areas to protect their business assets, employees, and reputation. In part, tree care companies...
Employers in Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, and throughout the country are realizing a new normal in that remote employees are not necessarily less productive. As a result, the remote work trend will likely continue and, with it, new Workers...
Business owners often think that Workers Compensation claims are made due to employee injuries directly related to the company’s operations. Often overlooked are environmental injuries. If you have employees that work outdoors in Fort Lauderdale, West Palm...
With the growth of online retail and the general ease of transacting business, it is common for consumers to purchase goods and services with debit or credit cards rather than cash. However, this convenience may expose both consumers and your business to potential...
Your Florida Workers Compensation experience mod, calculated by the NCCI, is an important component used in determining your workers’ compensation premium. If you can control your mod, you can lower your premium — so we’ve gathered top tips to help you impact...
An organization’s workforce is its most valuable asset. When an employee can’t work due to illness or injury, it impacts not only an organization’s productivity, but also its morale. According to OSHA, 4.1 million US employees experience work-related injuries...