Most companies are always looking for ways to reduce costs. One way to do this is by figuring out how to lower workers’ compensation insurance fees. A proven method to achieve this is by implementing safety standards aligned with the Occupational Safety and Health...
Any business owner knows that having workers’ compensation insurance is essential to protecting their employees and organization. However, if a business has employees working in multiple states, managing workers’ compensation can get a little tricky. In...
Workers’ compensation is more than just a legal requirement; it’s an investment in making your business a safer place for your employees. A workplace injury can significantly impact you, your business, and your employees. It’s the employer’s responsibility to have...
Some employers may not operate year-round or they may need more employees during busier times of the year, like the holiday season. When it comes to hiring seasonal employees, it can oftentimes be difficult for employers to understand the details of benefit plans and...
Workers’ compensation insurance is there to help protect both your company and your employees. For the employer, workers’ comp provides assurance that your business is protected from financial harm in the event an employee is injured on the job by covering the cost of...
As an artisan contractor, your insurance needs can be as unique as your business. Ranging from plumbers, electricians to landscapers or roofers, it’s necessary to find the right coverage. For some artisan contractors, the jobs and responsibilities can get a bit...